They must really not like me much.  I guess when they look at me, they see nothing but a scrub.  A person that really can't offer them much, therefore they give off that old familiar sting of hatred in their eyes.  Those eyes break away and they just can't wait for me to get away from them.  What wonderful people.  Little do they know.  I often wish I could be the big man, the person that has mastered his physical abilities and is able to showcase this perfect body.  Because as a man once told me, "It's all about perception".  The first look means everything.  If they see an overweight broken man, than they see nothing.  You effectively become nothing.  This is why I despise people.  People want what you have, they want to make you less than them. They want somebody to shit on so they can feel superior.  It's all about dominance.  They look for the weak, to propel themselves higher in the eyes of God.  So that mere men can look up and gaze upon the beauty, and praise the heavens that such a man has graced the world with their presence.  This is them.  Acting like a complete asshole, expecting the world to bend over backwards because they are the assholes.  So much how I would just like to to shoot them in the fucking head, ending the disease their destructive genetics has infiltrated this world.  Their children will be the same way.  Little shits, growing up to be bigger shits, yelling at people, expecting them to do what they say, because they are psychically bigger.  I don't think they understand that with the use of effective tools known as guns, all this can be taken away from them in an heartbeat.  All this bullshit, all of the toxicity can go away.  Because you don't fight wars with fists, you fight wars with bullets and bombs.  Usually these people are the world's biggest cowards as well.  They often just find a little spot in the world, to work, fuck, and play.  They raise a family, pop out a few little shitty kids, and they go to work.  Working their way up the ladder, expecting the world to give them what they want, because that's what they want.  Shitting on everybody else in order to get there, and when they finally do, get there, they believe that's where they should of been all along, and this is well deserved.  Doesn't matter how many people they shit on to get there, how many people they fucked in order to reach the top.


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