"You have no choice", that's what I kkeep telling myself day after day. Everyday I wake up wishing I were rich so I wouldn't have to march into a den of snakes every morning to earn money to pay for bills. There is no joy in my life. Spending 9 hours everyday in a flourescent hell, dealing with people that I truly despise. Theres has to be more to life than work. Where is the adventure, the mystery, the love, laughter? The life filled with friends, family, the holiday get togethers, the perfect lifes depicted on the TV? The ultra successful people with the beautiful families, all so well adjusted, content with their seemingly perfect lives. Established careers, the big house, the beautiful loyal wife, the perfect little children that compliment the parents, and make them proud? Does this even exist? Do these people even exist? And if they do, would I want to be them anyway? People without substance, drones to their jobs, people that would kill their own to hold onto the life that took them their entire life to get. The good grades in high school, aceing the SAT's, the acceptance into a good named college, the indocrination in said college, the degree, the $100,000 piece of paper, working out and being in shape to appease the masses perception of you as a "well established gift young person who's going places", the first really good job that pays well, in order for you to save up and buy that first house, and start that family with an equally exquisite young person, popping out a baby, and repeating the recycle of fragile little lives. ostensibly outward smiles that present the facad of success and happiness, but until closer examination reveal a fraudulent demenour. A look of compliance, the scared little child that has jumped through all the ropes, checked off all the boxes, have succeeded in gaining approval from their peers, have assimilated in becoming just another one of the masses. Than theirs the rest. The outcasts, the broken, the used, the blacksheep, the villians. The people used as grease running the machine that the others watch over. The heirachy of society, the natural pecking order of it all. There must be winners and losers. Parents raise their children the best they can to help them grow up to be the perceived 'winners', the ones that have successfully comprehended the order of things, have grasped the concept that if you don't do these things, you will wind up living a life of despair, loneliness, isolation, wrath of economic instability, emotional turmoil, chaotic relationships. The life long feeling of never being good enough, the deep seated resentment for the human race, an asperity towards it all. The long sought dream of trying to figure it all out on your own, in order to escape the destiny of being mediocre. A distant thought that seems to always be out of reach, a glimmering vision of prosperity in your mind that just almost seems attainable if you could just change. However the acrimony you have toward the people that kept you down hold you back, you don't want to be like the ones that pulled you down and kept you there. The thought of you succumbing to the idea of becoming the same people you so greatly despise, sickens you. You like to be better than them all, the outlier who managed to stick it to all the people that made you feel this way. Effectively creating a life where the snakes of the world will endlessly hate and vilify you for not being one of them. The one that broke the mold and stirred things up, the ones that did things different, the one that escaped. It's all just a dream, to become the villain in their eyes, yet, truly, be the hero. The one that gives hope to the ones that are clinging on the failing idea that they could too, be one of the assimilated.
They must really not like me much. I guess when they look at me, they see nothing but a scrub. A person that really can't offer them much, therefore they give off that old familiar sting of hatred in their eyes. Those eyes break away and they just can't wait for me to get away from them. What wonderful people. Little do they know. I often wish I could be the big man, the person that has mastered his physical abilities and is able to showcase this perfect body. Because as a man once told me, "It's all about perception". The first look means everything. If they see an overweight broken man, than they see nothing. You effectively become nothing. This is why I despise people. People want what you have, they want to make you less than them. They want somebody to shit on so they can feel superior. It's all about dominance. They look for the weak, to propel themselves higher in the eyes of God. So that me...
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